
Comparative Test Report on esProc, Hive, Impala Clusters (part V)

5.4 Use Case for dimension Table across Nodes

This case is used for testing performance of foreign key join over big data. The dimension table in this case is big enough to exceed the memory size. At this time, it will be segmented to be loaded into several sub-nodes.

Use Case Number Description:

Tested Results :

Data Features:
1. esProc, Impala and Hive degrade in turn, and esProc shows an evident advantage.

2. Data type also produces a very minimal impact on the performances of three test objects.  

5.5 Use Case for Big Group

This case is used for testing performance of big data grouping, and the number of grouped result goes far beyond the physical memory that the computation can’t be done within  memory.

Use Case Description: 

Tested Results 

Data Features:
1. As we can see, the change has taken place in the rank. esProc, Hive, Impala degrade in turn, esProc still significantly takes the lead, and Impala present a worst performance. 

2. The performance of Impala will decrease sharply when there is a huge mass of the data.

3. Data type also produces a very minimal impact on the performances of three test objects.

