
Solving Complex Computations in the Report

Reporting tool is good at charting & form design, style of landscaping, query interface, input & report, and export & print. It is one of the tools that are applied most extensively. However, there are quite often complex computations in the report, which raises a very high requirement for technical capabilities of report designers, and is one of the biggest barriers in report design. esProc can cooperate with Java reporting tools and solve with ease the report complex computations.

Case and Comparison
A company has a High Growth SalesMan of the Year report, which analyzes, mainly through sales data, the salesmen whose sales amount exceeds 10% for three consecutive months, and demonstrates the indices such as their sales amount(Sales Amount), sales amount link relative ratio(Amount LRR), client count(Client Count), and client count link relative ratio(Client LRR). The report pattern is shown in following table:

The main data source of the report is the “monthly sales data”: sales table, which stores the monthly sales record of the salesmen, with salesman and month being the primary key. The structure is shown in the following table:

It can be seen that the calculation of the name-list of the salesmen whose sales amount exceeds 10% for three consecutive months is the most complex part of this report. As long as this name-list is calculated out, it is possible to use the reporting tool to easily present the remaining part. Let’s compare how SQL statement and esProc respectively calculate this name-list.

SQL Solution
02       (SELECT salesMan,month, amount/lag(amount) 
03           OVER(PARTITION BY salesMan ORDER BY month)-1 rising_range 
04           FROM sales), 
05      B AS
06            (SELECT salesMan, 
07                CASE WHEN rising_range>=1.1 AND
08                     lag(rising_range) OVER(PARTITION BY salesMan
09                          ORDER BY month)>=1.1 AND
10                     lag(rising_range,2) OVER(PARTITION BY salesMan
11                          ORDER BY month)>=1.1 
12                THEN 1 ELSE 0 END is_three_consecutive_month 
13      FROM A) 
14 SELECT DISTINCT salesMan FROM B WHERE is_three_consecutive_month=1

1.        1-4 lines: Use SQL-2003 window function to obtain the ”rising_range” of the monthly sales amout LRR of each salesman, where, ”lag” seeks the sales amount relative to the preceding month. Here, ”WITH” statement is used to generate an independnet sub-query.

2.         5-13 lines: Continue to use window function to seek ”is_three_consecutive_month_gains”, the symbol of consecutive gains  of slaesmen in the each record, where, ”rising_ranges” of the recent three months are  biggern than 1.1 at the same time, and this symbol is 1. Otherwise it equals to 0, and here the technique ”case when” is used. Finally, ”WITH” statement is still used to generate independent sub-query B.

3.        Line 14: According to the result in the preceding two steps, seek the salesmen meeting the reporting condition, namely, the record whose “is_three_consecutive_month_gains equals 1. Here it is necessary to use “distinct” to filter duplicate salesmen.
esProc Solution

A1: Group the data according to salesman. Each group is all the data of a salesman, which is sorted by month in ascending order.

A2: Refer to the calcualtion result of the preceding step, and select the group that meets the condition from A1. The condition comes from the last cell of A1 operation area, namely, Cell B3. Both B2 and B3 belong to A1 operation area. By writing the condition step by step in many cells, it is possible to reduce the difficulty.

B3: Conditional judgment. If the LRR of three consecutive months within the group is bigger than 1.1, then this group of data meets the condition. Here “amount [-1]” is for the data of preceding record relative to the data of the current record, amount/amount [-1] represents a LRR comparsion. The pselect() is used to obtain the serial number within the group, and whenever meeting the first piece of data within the group that meets the condition, pselect() immediately returns the serial number and stops repeated calculations.

A4: Obtain the serial number of the salesmen in A2, and this result is returned through JDBC to the reporting tool for use.

The method to calculate this case “stepwise” will be very clear, so it is relatively suitable for stored procedure. But report developers often cannot add stored procedure in the database at their discretions, so it is generally still necessary to use SQL statement to solve the problem. For general SQL-92 statement to solve this type of problem, it will be very troublesome. By using here the SQL-2003 standard that is not extensively used, it is possible to reduce the difficulty. Even so, it is still necessary to face large paragraphs of difficult-to-understand SQL. For common report developers, it is no doubt a huge challenge.

It is more agile and easy for esProc to solve this type of calculation. esProc provides an expression formula using grid style similar to Excel®, which naturally proceeds by steps. Cells can refer to calculation result one another, which saves the great efforts of complex nested queries as well as unnecessary and scrambled variables definition. esProc also provides functions on the calculations of mass data, such as relative position, serial number reference, and step-by-step calculation after grouping, which can greatly simplify calculation procedure.
From the above, it is obvious that esProc is better at solving the complex computation in the report.

Feature: a JDBC Interface
esProc is a product with pure JAVA® structure and provides JDBC interface for JAVA reporting tools to conveniently call it. The structure schematic is as follows:
In the system adopting JAVA reporting tool, it is possible for esProc to conduct complex computation, multiple-datasource operation, and dirty data source collation. Then, the reporting tool can obtain the result returned from esProc via JDBC in the form of an access to the database. Finally, the reporting tool can be used to present the data.

Feature: Computational Capabilities Over-perform SQL

esProc is a tool specially designed to calculate mass data, and has SQL statement and stored procedure the capability to. On the one hand, it conducts query, filter, grouping, and statistics just as SQL statement does; on the other hand, it can also conduct loop and branch judgment on analysis process just as stored procedure does.

In fact, SQL statement and stored procedure, which are also mass data calculation tools, have some obvious defects: Stepwise mechanism is incomplete, set-lization is incomplete, and there are lacks of serial number and reference. So in the report where is complex computation, designing a few lines of SQL statement tends to become very difficult, and also has very high requirement for technical capabilities of designers.

esProc overcomes the defects of SQL statement and can comfortably cope with the complex computation in the report.

About esProc: http://www.raqsoft.com/product-esproc


How to Facilitate Relational Reference: Generic, Sequence, and Table Sequence

Based on the generic data type, esProc provides the sequence and the Table Sequence for implementing the complete set-lizing and the much more convenient relational queries.

The relation between the department and the employee is one-to-many and that between the employee and the SSN (Social Security Number) is one-to-one. Everything is related to everything else in the world. The relational query is the access to relational dataset with the mathematical linguistics. Thanks to the associated query, the relational database (RDBMS) is extensively adopted.
I Case and Comparison
There is a telecommunications enterprise that needs to perform this analysis: to find out the annual outstanding employees whose line manager having been awarded the president honor. The data are from two tables: the first is the department table mainly consisting of deptName and manager fields; and the second is the employee table mainly consisting of the empName, empHonor, and empDept fields;

For empHonor, three kinds of values can be obtained: First, null value; Second, ”president's award” and PA for short; Third, ”employee of the year” and EOY for short; The corresponding relations are usually belong to either of the two below groups: empDept & deptName, and Manager & empName.

SQL Solution
FROM employee A,department B,employee C 
WHERE A.empDept=B.deptName AND B.manager=C.empName AND A.empHonor=‘EOY’ AND C.empHornor=‘PA’

SQL join query can be used to solve such problems. In this case, we choose the nested query that is brief and clear. The association statements after “where” have established one-to-many relation between deptName and empDept, and the one-to-one relation between manager and empName.

esProc Solution

The esProc solution is quite intuitive: select the employees with EOY on condition that the line respective managers of these employees have won the “PA”.

Regarding the SQL solution, the SQL statements is lengthy and not intuitive. Actually, the complete associated query statement is “inner join…on…”. We have put it in a rather simplified way or the statements would be even harder to comprehend.

Regarding the esProc solution, the esProc fields are of generic type, which can point to any data and dataset. Therefore, you can simply use ”.” symbol to access the associated table directly. By representing in such intuitive and easy-to-understand way, esProc users can convert the complicated and lengthy SQL statement for multiple table association to the simple object access. This is achievable if using SQL.

II Function Description:
Generic Data Type

The data in esProc are all of generic type, that is, the data types are not strictly distinguished. Therefore, a data can be a simple data like “1” or “PA” ,or a set like [1,” PA”], or a set composed of sets like the database records.


A sequence is a data structure specially designed for the mass data analysis. It is similar to the concept of “array + set” in the senior language. That is to say, esProc users can assess members of any type according to its serial number, and perform the intersection, union, and complementary set operations on these members. The sequence is characterized with two outstanding features: generic type, and being ordered.

For example, let’s suppose that the sequence A is a set of line managers, and the sequence B is a set of award-winning employees. Then, the award-winning departments can be computed as a result of A^B. The top three departments can be obtained as a result of [1,2,3] (Please refer to other documents for the characteristics of being ordered).

esProc provides a great many of easy-to-use functions for sequence. The analysis will be greatly simplified if you grasped the use of sequence well.

Table Sequence
The Table Sequence is a sequence of database structure. As a sequence, it is characterized by being generic and ordered. In addition, Table Sequence also inherited the concept of database table that allows for the access to data with the field and the record.

The characteristics of generic type allow for the associated query in a quite convenient way in which the access to the record of associated table is just like the access to object. For example, to access the line manager of a certain employee, you can just compose “empDept.manager”. By comparison, the counterpart SQL syntax requires quite lots of complex association statements: “from…where…” or “left outer/right outer/inner join…on…”

Moreover, the characteristics of being ordered are quite useful and convenient for solving the tough computational problems relating to the Table Sequence and serial numbers, such as computing the top N, year-on-year statistics, and link relative ratio analysis.
III Advantages
The Access Syntax to Convert Complexity to Simplicity
esProc users can use ”.” to access the record in the associated table. Compared with the lengthy and complicated association syntax of SQL, such access method and style is much easier.

Intuitive Analysis is Ideal for Business Specialist
Analyzing from the business aspect, the business specialist can reach the result more correctly and rapidly. esProc users can access to the associated data in an intuitive way following the business descriptions and thus it is ideal for business specialist.

Easy to Analyze and Solve Problem
The sequence and table sequence of esProc is fit for processing the mass data. Even for the complicated multiple-table association, esProc users can solve the problems conveniently in the process of data analysis.

About esProc: http://www.raqsoft.com/product-esproc


Cross Database Computing in Report Data Source integration

Recently a development team met some difficulties in data source computation when developing iReport reports. After the use of esProc for cross database computation, the problem is resolved.

This is a project payment progress report, as part of a project management system. It’s based on an Oracle database. The reports needs to present the project name, payment amount, contract value, payment progress (in percentage), and name of the project manager, etc., for all ongoing projects. Amount these the first 3 items contributes to the difficulties met by the development team.

Note that the project payment record is stored in accounting system, rather than the Oracle database used by the development team. The accounting system is built on MSSQL database. The contract value information is also stored in a separate MSSQL database, used by contract management system. After analysis to the database, the project information record has an one-to-many relationship with payment record, and an one-to-one relationship with contract information.

By simplifying the table and fields other than the hardest part of the problem, the issue can then be described as: we need to join table projectpayProcess and contract from three heterogeneous databases. 
         Main fields from project include: projectNo, projectName.
         Main fields from payProcess include: payID, projectNo, amount.
         Main fields from contract include: contractNo, projectNo, conAmount.
         It’s fairly easy to write the SQL statements if the three tables are in the same database. However they now belong to three heterogeneous databases, the join is then difficult. Meanwhile, the two MSSQL databases are used by two independent commercial software, which the development team can load data from, but not able to modify or administrate. This adds to the difficulty of the development. Although iReport support simple cross database computation with two tables, it’s very difficult to do this with three tables. The development team cannot leverage iReport to meet this requirement.

The use of new reporting tool that supports multiple data sources might help. However as iReport is the only one used in the development process so far, a sudden change is not realistic. iReport supports user-defined JavaBean as data source, this can also be used to handle cross database computation. But JAVA is not a language for computation. The “join” computation between multiple sets requires a lot of coding. The workload makes it a non-sense. ETL tool is also a possible way to consolidate tables from multiple databases into one. The ETL approach normally requires incremental update to databases, which means timestamp and triggers need to be used in payProcess and contract table. As we know, commercial software does not allow databases to be modified in this way. ETL cannot provide the real time updates required for payment progress monitoring, which means it’s not suitable for this report.

Under such condition, the use of esProc for cross database computation is a handy approach. Here are the codes

A1, A2, A3 are for loading data from different databases, which are native syntax for each database. Note the difference in SQL for each heterogeneous database.
A4 is an association statement. From here on the syntax has nothing to do with certain database. The “join” function associate A1, A2, A3 according to projectID. Note that this is inner join. If it’s left join, the syntax of “join@1” should be used, whereas for full join, the syntax is “join@f”.
A5 is to output the required fields from the join, which could be part or all fields from A1, A2 and A3.

The statement of result A5 means to output the computation result by JDBC, so that iReport could rerieve them directly through JDBC. It’s also possible for esProc to be used in JAVA codes directly by means of JDBC call.

The above codes are just a prototype, which can actually run successfully. In reality more table association and data fields need to be added, plus some and parameter filters.

As we could see, the solving of cross database computation issue with esProc is fairly easy. esProc supports JAVA well, and is handy to be used with iReport.


esProc Improves the Performance of Oracle Data Source Report

Description of the Issue

Some reports in a project suffered from very low speed. Despite various iReport and Oracle database optimizations, the situation is not yet satisfying. For example, there is a detail report, involving large data volume, many (dozens of) data tables, and frequent inter-table join (including self join). This report includes inter-cell computing expressions (ratios and sum).
Here are some complicated data set SQL statements from this report:
(select *
from (select syb.org_abbn as syb,
max(xmb.org_abbn) as xmb,
sub.org_subjection_id as sub_id,
oi.org_abbn as org_abb,
rm.synergic_team as xz_team,
xzdw.coding_name as xz_org,
l.requisition_cd as req_cd,
l.requisition_id as req_id,
l.note as req_note,
                           '') as sflj,
--too long, most part from the select clause is omitted.
fromlcr l
left join lcrrm on rm.requisition_id =
andrm.table_type = '0'
andnvl(rm.bsflag, 0) != 1

left join cos sub on l.org_id = sub.org_id
andnvl(sub.bsflag, 0) != 1
left join coioi on oi.org_id = sub.org_id
andnvl(oi.bsflag, 0) != 1

--too long, most part from the join is omitted.
wherel.table_type = '1'
andl.requisition_state = '0101020304'
andnvl(l.bsflag, 0) != 1
                                     andto_char(l.back_date, 'yyyy-MM-dd') between '2012-01-01' and
group by l.requisition_id,
--too long, most of the group by fields are omitted
                ) a-- main query a
LEFT JOIN crviewve-- viewve
            ON ve.requisition_id = a.req_id

If you check these SQL statements carefully, you’ll find immediately that there are too many tables associated, including a lot of self-join. Meanwhile, there are many sub query embedded in it. To make this worse, it is also associated with a view, which is very complicated.

Currently the data presentation time for this report, when querying against 4 months data volume, is 6 minutes 42 seconds. This is far from what the end-user could accept.

As mentioned before, the report has been optimized several times. The data set SQL and report expressions have gone through careful tuning process. The above data set SQL is very complicated, with no room for further optimization. Meanwhile, as real time query, the use of pre-computed intermediate table for acceleration is also not a feasible approach.

After analyzing the report we find that it involves two stages: 1) the data loading stage (data set SQL execution stage), and 2) report computation and presentation stage. The first stage requires 5 minutes, and the second stage requires more than 1 minute. The reason for the slowing running of data set SQL is caused by the extremely low efficiency of the join in two sub queries (main query a and view ve).

Thus we find a new approach for optimization: we’ll mainly optimize the data set loading by improving the efficiency of SQL join. At the same time, we’ll optimize the computation and presentation part.

Resolution Process

The esProc approach for resolution of this issue is as following:
1. Split the data set SQL of the report
As previously mentioned, the join between the two sub queries is causing the slow running of the SQL. We use esProc to execute the SQL for two sub queries, and then complete the association in esProc with “switch” (“switch” or “join” is used accordingly) statement. After test run we find significant improvement on efficiency.

2. Eliminate inter-cell computing from the report
The inter-cell computing (ratios and sum) part in the original report template is moved into esProc, thus the report generation could be speed up due to the removal of grid scanning.

3. Return the result set to the report all together
After all data preparation is done through esProc, the result will be returned to reporting tool all together. Once data source is received, the presentation will be done directly, without any computation (such as inter-cell computing) that might affect efficiency.

The complete codes for esProc are as following:

Solution Result

Through the above process, total report presentation time is radically reduced from the original 6 minutes 42 seconds to 57seconds - less than 1 minute. The benefit of this optimization is remarkable. This is what the end-user is happy to see.


In the process of the problem resolution, we found that the main query a and view ve in the original SQL statement requires only 10 to 40 seconds when executed in Oracle separately. However, a join between a and view ve requires several minutes. This is because Oracle cannot always find a reasonable approach when automatic execution plan is used. If human interference is required, it will be very tedious and time consuming.

esProc could improve the performance, because we know that ve is actually a dimensional table of a. Thus we can use a particular method of “switch”. This allows human definition of the execution plan for complicated query. In combination with Oracle’s basic query statement, it will speed up the process significantly.


Heterogeneous Data Source Computation Issue in Crystal Report Got Solved by esProc

Recently we resolved an issue with Crystal Report, related with heterogeneous data source computation. Due to its complexity, the computation cannot be done with the current functionality of Crystal Report. Thus esProc is used for cross database computation.

Project background: The customer has recently rolled out their KPI system, which required some modification on their original salary computation algorithm. In the past the salary list is mainly calculated from the basic salary of the employees, which is stored in the MSSQL database used by their Accounting System. The new salary list consists of two parts, basic salary and performance-based salary. The performance-based salary is calculated according to the performance score for each employee, which is stored in the Oracle database used by KPI system. Obviously, the new salary list has to be generated with cross database computation on two heterogeneous databases.

The actual algorithm for computing performance-based salary is quite complicated. Firstly, the algorithm for each position is different. Some are based on the level of the basic salary, while others are not. Some positions are purely based on performance, while others need to consider the performance and how many years the employee has worked for the company. Moreover, there are also positions that have performance score but no performance-based salary. Secondly, even for those positions based on the level of the basic salary, the algorithm might differ, as the salary level is different for each position. Within each level, the algorithm might also be different. Finally, the salary for all employees needs to be combined into one report.

For better understanding, we simplified the algorithm significantly, and ignored the tax implication. We limited the positions to 2: “normal” and “sales”. Position “normal” has performance score but no performance-based salary. The pre-tax salary equals basic salary. For position “sales”, the pre-tax salary is the sum of basic salary and performance-based salary. Among which, the performance-based salary is computed in this way:

For employees with basic salary below 2000: performance-based salary=basic salary*(performance sore /100)

For employees with basic salary between 2000 and 4000: performance-based salary=basic salary*(performance sore*0.9 /100)

For employees with basic salary above 4000: performance-based salary=basic salary*(performance sore*0.8 /100)

Thus we could see that to generate a complete salary list, we need to separate the employees in employee table in MSSQL into several groups (2 groups after the simplification). For each group we need to compute the pre-tax salary, and then combine them into one list. For two different positions, the computation is different.  For employees with position as “sales”, the “performance” table in Oracle database needs to be joined, with pre-tax salary being computed according to respective levels. For employees with position “normal”, no such joined is needed.

The difficulty in this report lies in: 1) table employee and performance belongs to two heterogeneous databases, which requires cross database computation. 2) the algorithm is too complicated, as simply join the two tables cannot do the job.

The ideal solution for cross database computation is to do this through reporting tool. If the reporting tool can process two heterogeneous data sources in one report, cross database computation can then be done on the “report level”. However Crystal Report handles heterogeneous data sources in a very complicated way, and it is done with a high implement cost. Plus, reporting tool can only work with simple inner and outer join, not the kind of complicated computation, such as what-if judgments in a loop, and multiple result sets aggregation.

Since reporting tool cannot solve such issues, we can only turn to other way. Loading the data to a separate database with ETL is not a good choice, because the development for ETL is costly, and data synchronization, as well as real time updates need to be considered. With user-defined data source the problem can be simplified significantly. Well, esProc can be a very good self-defined data source for reporting tool.

See the codes below:

These codes are easy to understand.

A1A2: retrieving data from ORACLE and MSSQL databases.  A3: adding an empty column to table “employee”, to store the future pre-tax salary.

A4A10: extract data for all employees with positions of “sales” and “normal”. For future aggregation purpose, business name is more convenient. Thus we name these two sets as sales and normal respectively. Of course, we did not define extra variable for temporary computation result like A3, which, instead, is called in A4 by the name of the cell. The same is for A1, which is called A5.

A5-C9: computation the pre-tax salary for sales. Here A5 is join, which is done between the basic salary for sales and their respective performance-based salary. A6 to C9 is a loop, used to compute the pre-tax salary for each row of sales, based on the actual salary level for the employee. Three things need to be noted here: 1) the loop is indicated with indentation, with B7-C9 as the body of the loop. 2) The variable of the loop is in cell A6, after the “for” operator. In the loopA6 can be used to refer to current record. 3) The way that A6.empID.score is used how an object is referred to. This refers to the score field of the records joined with empID field of current record A6 (eg., record in performance), which is the performance score of the current employee.
A11: replace the preTax value in normal with baseSalary.
A12: combine the computation result sets for different positions. Of course, in reality the positions are not limited to two in algorithm. The algorithm for computing pre-tax salary of each position is also more complicated than the above example.
A13: Select some fields from A12 for output.
A14: output A13 by JDBC, so that JAVA code or reporting tools can call it directly through JDBC URL. We can see that this is also a way to unify heterogeneous data sources. However, the data source consolidation in Crystal Report is too simple to handle such process-based cross database computation.

Now the cross database computation issue with Crystal Report is conveniently resolved. Besides, Crystal Report can use esProc in the same way as MSSQL or Oracle databases, which is easy to do.


Solving the Cross Database Computation Issue in Reporting Data Source

Recently a development team met some difficulties in data source computation when developing iReport reports. After the use of esProc for cross database computation, the problem is resolved.
This is a project payment progress report, as part of a project management system. It’s based on an Oracle database. The reports needs to present the project name, payment amount, contract value, payment progress (in percentage), and name of the project manager, etc., for all ongoing projects. Amount these the first 3 items contributes to the difficulties met by the development team.
Note that the project payment record is stored in accounting system, rather than the Oracle database used by the development team. The accounting system is built on MSSQL database. The contract value information is also stored in a separate MSSQL database, used by contract management system. After analysis to the database, the project information record has an one-to-many relationship with payment record, and an one-to-one relationship with contract information.
By simplifying the table and fields other than the hardest part of the problem, the issue can then be described as: we need to join table projectpayProcess and contract from three heterogeneous databases. 
         Main fields from project include: projectNo, projectName.
         Main fields from payProcess include: payID, projectNo, amount.
         Main fields from contract include: contractNo, projectNo, conAmount.

It’s fairly easy to write the SQL statements if the three tables are in the same database. However they now belong to three heterogeneous databases, the join is then difficult. Meanwhile, the two MSSQL databases are used by two independent commercial software, which the development team can load data from, but not able to modify or administrate. This adds to the difficulty of the development. Although iReport support simple cross database computation with two tables, it’s very difficult to do this with three tables. The development team can not leverage iReport to meet this requirement.
The use of new reporting tool that supports multiple data sources might help. However as iReport is the only one used in the development process so far, a sudden change is not realistic. iReport supports user-defined JavaBean as data source, this can also be used to handle cross database computation. But JAVA is not a language for computation. The “join” computation between multiple sets requires a lot of coding. The workload makes it a non-sense. ETL tool is also a possible way to consolidate tables from multiple databases into one. The ETL approach normally requires incremental update to databases, which means timestamp and triggers need to be used in payProcess and contract table. As we know, commercial software does not allow databases to be modified in this way. ETL cannot provide the real time updates required for payment progress monitoring, which means it’s not suitable for this report.
Under such condition, the use of esProc for cross database computation is a handy approach. Here are the codes

         A1, A2, A3 are for loading data from different databases, which are native syntax for each database. Note the difference in SQL for each heterogeneous database.
         A4 is an association statement. From here on the syntax has nothing to do with certain database. The “join” function associate A1, A2, A3 according to projectID. Note that this is inner join. If it’s left join, the syntax of “join@1” should be used, whereas for full join, the syntax is “join@f”.
         A5 is to output the required fields from the join, which could be part or all fields from A1, A2 and A3.
         The statement of result A5 means to output the computation result by JDBC, so that iReport could rerieve them directly through JDBC. It’s also possible for esProc to be used in JAVA codes directly by means of JDBC call.
         The above codes are just a prototype, which can actually run successfully. In reality more table association and data fields need to be added, plus some and parameter filters.

As we could see, the solving of cross database computing issue with esProc is fairly easy. esProc supports JAVA well, and is handy to be used with iReport.